AI Blog

The Evolution of AI on the Edge: From Perception to Creation
The Evolution of AI on the Edge: From Perception to Creation
In the vast landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), one of the most intriguing journeys has been the evolution of AI on the edge. This journey has taken us from classic machine vision to the realms of discriminative AI, enhancive AI, and now, the groundbreaking frontier of generative AI. Each step has brought us closer to a future where intelligent systems seamlessly integrate with our daily lives, offering an immersive experience of not just perception but also creation at the palm of our hand.

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Edge AI Developer
Edge AI Device
Intelligent Camera
AI Smart Cameras: From Vision to Insights
As the camera market is booming, so does the need to empower cameras with artificial intelligence (AI). In this blog post we discuss the…
July 9, 2023
Edge AI Developer
Edge AI Device
Object Detection
AI Object Detection on the Edge: Making the Right Choice
When choosing an AI object detection network for edge devices, there are many factors you should consider: compute power, memory…
October 6, 2022
AI Software
Automatic License Plate Recognition
Edge AI Developer
Smart Transportation
Automatic License Plate Recognition with Hailo-8
In this blog post, we present Hailo’s License Plate Recognition (LPR) implementation (also known as Automatic Number Place Recognition or…
Hailo Team
April 6, 2022
AI Hardware
AI Software
Edge AI Developer
Edge AI Device
How Software Can Streamline Edge AI Developer Experience
When looking at the challenges facing mass AI adoption, infrastructure and integration are among their most important aspects. They were…
Hailo Team
January 12, 2022
Edge AI Developer
Edge AI Device
Industry 4.0
Intelligent Camera
Smart Transportation
Play to Win: How Hailo and NXP Create Efficient Embedded AI Solutions
 A good partnership is all about the added value. It highlights the strengths of each party, compensates for the weaker points and…
Hailo Team
November 18, 2021
AI Software
Edge AI Developer
Edge AI Device
Object Detection
Customer Case Study: Developing a High-Performance Application on an Embedded Edge AI Device
One of the challenges in building embedded AI applications is taking it from machine learning research environment all the way to a full…
Hailo Team
September 1, 2021
AI Software
Edge AI Developer
ML Deep Dive
Edge ML Deep Dive: Why You Should Use Tiles in Squeeze-and-Excite Operations
This blog post presents the Tiled Squeeze-and-Excite (TSE) – a method designed to improve the deployment efficiency of the…
Hailo Team
August 11, 2021
AI Software
Edge AI Developer
How an Open Model Zoo Can Boost Your Edge AI System Development
Edge AI system development has been propelled forward by the exciting emergence of new purpose-built processing architectures that empower…
Hailo Team
July 20, 2021
AI Benchmarks
AI Hardware
Edge AI Box
Edge AI Developer
Mind the System Gap: System-Level Implications for High-Performance Edge AI Coprocessors
Intro The new generation of domain-specific AI computing architectures is booming. The need for these and the benefit they provide to end…
Hailo Team
June 17, 2021
AI Benchmarks
Edge AI Developer
Evaluating Edge AI Accelerator Performance: Why TOPS Are Not Enough
The recent requirement for efficient edge AI solutions across Smart City, Smart Retail, Surveillance and Automotive, has driven a boom in…
Hailo Team
June 2, 2021
AI Hardware
Edge AI Developer
Why Domain-Specific Dataflow Processing Is the Only Way Forward
The End of Moore’s Law and Dennard Scaling  For over 30 years, the evolution of general-purpose computing…
Hailo Team
May 19, 2021
Edge AI Developer
Our 1st Hackathon: One Day to Develop a Winning AI App with the Hailo TAPPAS Toolkit
Introducing TAPPAS The MAD team is Hailo’s first and friendliest customer. We develop deep-learning based demos using the Hailo-8 AI…
Hailo Team
May 5, 2021

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