AI Blog

Hailo Hackathon 2024-2025: Pushing the Limits of AI Innovation on Raspberry Pi
Hailo Hackathon 2024-2025: Pushing the Limits of AI Innovation on Raspberry Pi
The third annual Hailo Hackathon was bigger, bolder, and more innovative than ever! Over 24 hours, 60 Hailo employees came together to push the boundaries of edge AI using the Hailo AI HAT (26TOPS) on the Raspberry Pi 5. This wasn’t just a coding event—it was a celebration of creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving. With great food, an overnight coding marathon, and…

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Backing into the Future: Unlocking the Potential of Automated Parking
The technology advancements and market drivers that accelerate the transition to automated parking
August 20, 2023
AI Software
Leveraging Vendor Partnerships for ADAS Success: LeddarTech and Hailo
It’s a late summer evening, you’ve had a long day at work and all you want to do is get home and relax, but the usual horrible traffic…
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AI Benchmarks
AI Hardware
Object Detection
Pairing Sensing with AI for Efficient ADAS
Sensor and sensing capabilities are common and expanding in modern vehicles. One of the major motivators for this is safety or, more…
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ADAS Anatomy: from SAE to NCAP
While my experience wandering the halls of CES 2020 more than a year ago seems as nostalgic as far more distant memories after this unusual…
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